Thank You Launch SA

Coming into college, I’d never actually had a job. I did a little babysitting, and I volunteered a lot, but I never had a boss to report to or an official position anywhere. However, after finding a flyer for an internship at Cafe Commerce in the Entrepreneurship Center, I figured it was as good a time as any to get my first job.

After submitting my cover letter and resume, I was surprised to find I actually got the position. I started right away. And, let me tell you, starting out I was super confused.

Cafe Commerce is a free resource center for entrepreneurs across San Antonio. Anyone can walk in or call to get advice about starting a business or to attend workshops.

They had programs in place, used systems regularly, and had a general day of doing things I was completely unfamiliar with. Though I’m usually a fast learner, figuring out how Cafe Commerce worked was a challenge. Especially considering in the middle of the semester they changed their name to Launch SA.

Flash forward a semester and a half, I’m still at Launch SA, where things make a lot more sense. I know who to refer entrepreneurs to for what questions. I generally know what’s going on. And I now work mostly in helping them keep up their new CRM. All the while, I get to watch new businesses grow with our help everyday. I see people and startups of all types and through this internship, I’ve learned what resources are out there for me and how to go get them.

So I guess on top of telling you all about this cool resource center and about the opportunities out there to learn about entrepreneurship, this blog is about thanking Launch SA for helping me learn more about the startup community.

-Morgan King
