Crash Course in Crossfit

CrossFit is something that has always seemed a bit crazy to me. There are articles online claiming CrossFit is a cult and other claiming it is the best experience. With such strong opposition, I was excited to hear from an actual crossfit gym owner and instructor Drew Bignall as part of my capstone entrepreneurship class. After being an athlete in college, he became a personal trainer, ultimately having the idea of starting his own gym. He too was hesitant to start CrossFit but once he did he too became hooked. So hooked, he created the largest crossfit gym in San Antonio, Mission CrossFit.

Hearing from Drew about the mission of CrossFit, what the exercises entail, and how everything is adjusted to the individual's skill level, I could understand better why people enjoy what can be considered an extreme sport. What really struck me was how much emphasis there was on camaraderie and support. Although there is no team, no true competition, what Drew described as the gym environment was almost of a family. It has been shown in countless industries that if you can build in a community to an activity, it is more likely to become a habit. Consider your local pub or coffee shop. Part of the reason you go there is for a sense of community, and it was interesting to hear how the same applies for a CrossFit gym.

Drew also went into some of the business specifics. He talked about how hard it was to transition from different buildings with so much equipment. He also talked about the difficulties of hiring. For his business, finding good trainers is about more than certifications. In order to ensure he has committed team members, applicants essentially go through an internship period where they do anything from train to clean toilets. While it sounded crazy to me at first, I can see how such an experience helps foster a strong culture within the organization and gives Drew time to train them individually.

All in all, Drew was an engaging speaker. He really pitched us on why we should join CrossFit. So much so, that I am considering taking a class in the future. Another perk of being in the entrepreneurship department, free swag, extended in this case as well. Drew offered to teach a special session just for the students in our class. Sadly, I had a conflict at the time it was scheduled, but those students that went said they really enjoyed their experience.

-Kylie Moden
