Startup Week!

A couple weeks ago,  San Antonio hosted its own Startup Week. All week long, successful business owners across San Antonio shared wisdom with entrepreneurs in the community. From Launch SA to Codeup to right here at Trinity, the events were widespread and really interesting. Not only did the audience get to attend panels and talks, we also got to visit and learn about the resources that are out there for entrepreneurs through the venues themselves. And I was lucky enough to go to some of them.
The first of which was Codeup Dialogues: MedTech Panels. Recently, I’ve started focusing my studies and my interests on biomedical technology. It’s really cool, and the opportunities to make a positive impact are incredible. So when I heard about the MedTech Panel, I knew I had to go.
The panel consisted of people who currently own successful businesses in the industry: Gene Carangal and Jonathan Larson. While they both worked in the same industry, what I really appreciated was how vastly different their startups were. While one created an application to help doctors speed up the process of applying to jobs, the other created an assessment to help diagnose mental health conditions. From that, the panel was able to portray the very diverse perspectives of the field and really highlight what biomedical technology is.

So, in total, I’m very happy I got to listen to these two entrepreneurs.  More than anything, they showed me that the industry is where I want to be and that San Antonio is a place that I can start down this path.

-Morgan King
